COM_EASYBLOG_AMP_BY Christian Schneider COM_EASYBLOG_AMP_ON 2022. június 24. péntek

Certificate EN 60335 for Folding Arm² PA-KL²

Safety comes first for SIMON PROtec. Not only with regard to the intended use of our products for preventive, system-related fire protection, but also for the user during use and operation. Verification of the safety of electrical equipment is based on general and specific European standards of the EN 60335 series.

EN 60335-1 deals with the safety of electrical equipment and machinery for domestic and commercial use. It covers typical household applications by even non-expert users, which is a daily occurrence on the part of manual release in case of fire as well as in controlled natural ventilation.
With EN 60335-2-103, the products are additionally tested and certified under the special requirements for operators for gates, doors and windows.

SIMON PROtec has had the operator series of the folding arm families Folding Arm² PA-KL², Folding Arm² PA-KL²-DF rotary wing and Folding Arm² PA-KL²-T door opener successfully tested in accordance with EN 60335-1 and EN 60335-2-103 and certified by TÜV Süd. The premium SHEV actuator Folding Arm² is the ideal actuator for the automation of special windows in roofs and facades. Especially due to its large stroke of up to 1200 mm, it is suitable for roof egresses and with the wide range of different brackets, all types of windows and flaps can be opened and closed safely.

Convince yourself of the wide range of applications of the folding arm² and let your contact person at SIMON PROtec Sales advise you.